Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mr. Grinch

The holiday season is upon us once again. Winter weather is swooping in, sweaters are in style, and retailers are starting to lick their chops. Yes, November and December have historically been the two busiest consumer spending months of the year, except for this year? With the U.S. quickly diving into an economic recession, Americans maybe tightening their belts and leaving the retailers to starve.
According to "BusinessWeek", this sales season is predicted to be "one of the ugliest in decades". Strangely, this is not surprising. In fact, you might even say it's expected. For months now we have seen, heard, and read about the delicate state of our economy. Talks of the second great depression, a wall street bailout, and foreclosures have caused shoppers to deposit money instead of withdrawing it. Even U.S. Automakers are feeling the heat, and are literally begging congress for a bailout of their own. Ironically, the lack of consumer spending is one of the reasons the economy is in the shape it's in. Everybody wants it fixed , yet nobody's willing to pay the bill. Talk about a "catch-22". On a lighter note, the recent gasoline price decline could help absorb some of the spending phobia, causing shoppers to dish out a few more dollars then they had originally planned.
The sad part in all of this? Everything. It's tough for folks all around. Disappointing for parents who cant afford to buy gifts, and devastating to children who will wake up on the 25th to news that "Santa" couldn’t deliver. Tally one up for the Grinch this Christmas.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama it is Miss Cardenas

A few weeks ago my fellow classmate, Adrianna Cardenas, pleaded with her readers to "Vote for Obama". In her posting, Adrianna focused on what was then, the upcoming presidential election. She used the controversial War in Iraq to try and persuade voters to vote for Barack Obama. Her logic, although she never mentions John McCain in her writing, she obviously intended to link John and current president George W. Bush. With record low approval ratings, Bush is not someone you want to be associated with in an election. I think the angle she took and the subject she picked helps her argument. In my opinion, I think actually naming John McCain would have helped paint a clearer picture of her reasoning. Also, she should have touched on other issues besides just focusing on the war. With the last eight year having been what they have been, there is a lot of material to work with. I think perhaps talking about the economy and how McCain and Bush have similar ideologies would have sealed the deal in Miss Cardenas' persuasive effort to encourage a "Vote For Change". Overall I thought it was a well presented argument and I whole-heartedly agree that Obama is a change for the better. Well done Miss Cardenas.