Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The O' Reilly Non-Factor

In the recent blog posting "How about some fairness in the campaign?" on FoxNews.com, Bill O'Reilly puts in his "two cents" on the recently heated presidential race. O'Reilly, a well know Fox network personality and republican enthusiast, comments on the recent mudslingings directed at White House hopefull, Barack Obama. With the election less than a month away, both candidates and thier respected parties have stepped up thier game and are letting the fists fly. Recent comments aimed at Sen. Obama at a Republican rally suggesting he be killed (among other things) have raised public eyebrows in the direction of John McCain. O'Reilly writes "there have been some nasty comments directed at Barack Obama by some people attending McCain rallies. Of course, that has happened in campaigns since Adams and Jefferson were running around. The New York Times and other Obama media supporters are more shocked than Claude Rains was in "Casablanca" and are directly blaming McCain. Unbelievable." Obviously trying to defend his candidate, Bill presents us with scripts from interviews of John McCain. "I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared as president of the United States. Now I just — now look, if I didn't think I wouldn't be one heck of a lot better president, I wouldn't be running, OK?" McCain in a recent video interview. O'Reilly sees these comments as proof that the Republican candidate had nothing to do with the outrageous comments made agianst Obama, "Now that took guts. McCain could have easily played into the anti-Obama fervor." Although i dont often agree with Mr. O'Reilly, he is certainly right on this one. There will always be fringe supporters who say the wrong things at the wrong time, but McCain should not be blamed for thier stupidity.I think Bill was trying to reach the general public on this one, and critisize the democrats for blowing it out of proportion.

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