Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin comes out swinging

Since the concession of Hillary Clinton from the 2008 presidential election, many middle-aged women had basically thrown in the towel on this years race for the white house. Caught in the middle of voting either red or blue and dubbed as swing voters, these women basically became one speech away from leaning to one side or the other. With the nomination of Sarah Palin as his running mate, McCain seemed to have tipped the scales in his favor. As reported, Palin has begun to draw more and more female swing voters for the republican party. Described as a "Down to earth mom", Palin has been able to relate to many women like Jan Thibault. Thibault, a 51-year-old mother of four, was dissapointed when she learned that Hilary would not be on the voting ballot this year. With Palin now at the wheel, it will be intresting to see how Obama and the democratic party will counter the seemingly "right-leaning" tide.